The new Route 70 will connect from Charlotte Pike Walmart, end of line for Route 50, over to the Coley Davis Park and Ride, end of line for Route 3B, then continue to the new James Lawson High School. The route will operate on an hourly frequency from approximately 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. each day. So, a new transit line is coming to Nashville. This can only be good news, right? Umm. Well. Yes, it is good news, but I also have some more complicated thoughts to unpack about it. (Route map from WeGo. You can view more details about the route here ) This route will provide service to the new James Lawson High School, which is a big deal. While yellow school buses provide access to school for zoned students, having access to a WeGo route allows students from out of zone to attend the school and could provide a way home for students who are staying after for sports, clubs, or other extracurricular activities. But there are many other high schools in Nashville that don't have access to transit...